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Join our community of +10M users and buy, sell, hold, send, Uphold Login deposit and withdraw any asset with as little as $1 USD. Earn rewards on your crypto Put your digital assets to work through st

How do I sign up for an Uphold Account?

To create an Uphold account, visit uphold.com/signup and follow the simple sign-up process. If you have already created an account, and need to retrieve your password, please go here: To create a business account, find out more here.

What do I need to open an Uphold account?

To create an Uphold account, visit uphold.com/signup and follow the simple sign-up process. If you have already created an account, and need to retrieve your password, please go here: To create a business account, find out more here.

What do I need to do to start using Uphold?

To create an Uphold account, visit uphold.com/signup and follow the simple sign-up process. If you have already created an account, and need to retrieve your password, please go here: To create a business account, find out more here.

How much does it cost to open an account with Uphold?

It is free to open an account and hold value with Uphold. Uphold accounts are free to customers who maintain active accounts. FREE when funded by a bank account, using bitcoin, or from another Uphold account. If using a Debit/Credit Card to fund your account, a fee of 3.99% applies. FREE between Uphold customers.

What do I need to create an account on Uphold?

To create an Uphold account, visit uphold.com/signup and follow the simple sign-up process. If you have already created an account, and need to retrieve your password, please go here: To create a business account, find out more here.

What are the benefits of using Uphold?

At Uphold, buying stocks is easy thanks to bank connectivity in 36 countries, seamless debit/credit card payments, and integration with 7 blockchain networks. Opening an account takes minutes. With Uphold, you can set up an account, verify your identity and buy U.S. equities with ease.

Last updated